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Doctoral Networks.

We support the coordination teams at all stages of the consortium's development: setting up networks (beneficiaries and partners) and developing the communication strategy for the application to the MSCA-DN call, managing all communication and dissemination activities scheduled in the programme.

As a consortium partner or external consultant, we support the coordination board in designing and writing the content of the communication work package in the frame of the MSCA-DN call.

This collaborative work includes communication, dissemination and public relations activities.

Evolutive website (CMS wordpress):
- V.0 to support the MSCA-DN application
- V 1.0 to promote the consortium kick-off
- V 2.0 to promote the consortium throughout

Corporate video

Brochure, flyer, poster

Community management (Twitter, Linkedin)

Off-the-shelf training courses and workshops on strategic dissemination and outreach issues.

- Scicomm in the context of European Commission recommendations
- Pitch my PhD in 180 seconds
- Social media
- Science poster design
- etc.

KOM is a EU registered organisation*

* EU PIC (Participant Identification Code): no. 910049442 / REG (Registration Number): no. 831 048 087

Case study

Enhpathy is a multidisciplinary science consortium created in the frame of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)-Doctoral Networks call and regrouping 15 academic and 9 non-academic European organizations in the continuum of basic, translational and clinical research on enhancers and associated diseases.

As a partner in the consortium, KOM was responsible for the branding, design and management of the communication plan, production of web tools, online and on-site production of training, workshops and a corporate video.

Training the next generation of researchers

In genetics, enhancers are short regions of DNA that can be bound by proteins to increase the likelihood that transcription of a particular gene will occur. If mutations within coding genes have traditionally been considered the major genetic cause of human disease, it is becoming increasingly clear that the genetic, structural and/or epigenetic disruption of enhancers and enhancer landscapes represent major etiological factors in numerous human diseases (i.e. enhanceropathies), ranging from rare congenital disorders to common diseases associated with ageing (e.g. cancer, diabetes).

Getting all involved on social networks

Whether on Twitter or Linkedin, communication on social networks has become strategic for the scientific players: communication publications (aimed at a large audience, such as the general public or journalists) or dissemination publications (aimed at an audience more specialised in the topic addressed) have multiplied since the launch of the consortium in 2018. With more than 250 followers and 230 original tweets, the Enhpathy Twitter account (@enhpathy_H2020) is an important tool for promoting the research and training projects involving the programme's students to the general public, but also to the European Commission.

Cross-disciplinarity & public outreach

As part of Doctoral networks communication strategy,  public outreach programmes developed by KOM in partnership with leading cultural players enables doctoral candidates to share their knowledge and discoveries with a wide audience and, through these cross-disciplinary exchanges, to nurture innovative artistic projects.

Corporate video

This video was shot in Prague in April 2022 during the 4th event of the ENHPATHY consortium.

Pitch my PhD in 180 seconds

The 15 students of the PIPgen consortium will take on the challenge of presenting their research for a lay audience.
One condition: not to exceed 180 seconds!

 Our MSCA-DN partnerships

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